Guy "Batman" is the iconic superhero in American cinema, tied to the motorcycle and super super car. Highlights of supercars and the Batmobile Tumbler.
Many people yearn to own but this model does not have in real life.
To create the same end, the company J & S World Wide Holdings has developed a car with a similar design. LS1 V8 engine is a type of GM Chevrolet mounted.
The capacity upgrade to 700 horsepower numbers, Lamborghini Aventador equivalent.
In addition to GM's engine and chassis, the body structure and the other on the car are manufactured by J & S.
Vehicles fitted automatic transmission, combined with remarkable strength, but to achieve the respective design, the car is heavier than normal samples, therefore the maximum speed is only 137 km / h.
Furniture includes two seats, to provide visibility for the driver in tight spaces, parking assistance camera around 5.
Sound system bluetooth connectivity, CD / DVD, Ipod interface. Vehicles also have GPS navigation technology worldwide.
Confidence firm said this model sold for $ 1 million, and completely legal supercar when rolling on the road, but this is not recommended to move cars daily.
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