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    Friday, April 1, 2016

    Whether the driver or in the back seat, ultra-luxury sedan also makes the experience so overwhelmed remain cruising

    In the spring, but also the middle east, the sky overcast Hanoi as usual, the weekend seemed nothing inspiring.

    Unexpected invitation Bentley Mulsanne go run unique Vietnam 2016 Speed ​​makes everything changed. I press the abdomen, sewing too.

    Bentley Mulsanne Speed ​​in 2016 in Vietnam. Photo: Luong Dung.

    12 noon, we went to the city where Bentley has registered permanent residence. Lunch choices are chicken quiche baked in a famous restaurant.

    Whether enjoyed but I have told our, moderate eating to keep the body awake, stable stomach still felt completely different world on a luxury 25 billion.

    2 pm, the Mazda3 rolled through massive gate pillars leading into the villa area is located near the city center. Vehicles also rare in foreign land, only 3 villas located far apart between the vast land area, the far more a villa under construction.

    After calling the company to accompany staff, we waited 30 minutes before white mansion European style, and in the cellar of course is also an excellent name in the luxury segment of the old continent, Bentley Mulsanne Speed ​​2016.

    The Mitsubishi Triton pickup parked in front Canned Air, stepped down as a young man, little man, running simple map, cheerfully greeting. After startled me to get his bearings, "of course, the owner of the vehicle did not appear so easy." Sporting nature which Bentley created for each product is also in tune with the way the driver of the vehicle owners choose.

    This contrasts with the driver of the rival Rolls-Royce, which often appear in suits and stylish groomed polite but somewhat unapproachable.

    After opening the door, he quickly personnel carriers drove from the port tunnel. At the car rolled across people, glass windows open, the smell in the nose stripes dazed but charismatic throne of high-grade leather upholstery, the smell that only the press conference when I introduced a new luxury car smell .

    As a reflex, I guess because it was a new little car, the driver turned to ask him, "little car go right?".

    He wore pocket cross straps as scared misunderstood, correct immediately:

    "Somewhere there, take the car for nearly three months running every day go to work, the province, the Mercedes G55 AMG and Range Rover abandoned in a garage since appeared" you "is there".

    Premium leather material that parcel British carmaker for wealthy clients to particular odor.

    Once parked neatly in front of the villa to serve the beautiful shooting angle, employee firm stepped shutdown, closed, immediately chassis lowered some, the return looks athletic sports. I am curious to wear the letter B wing logo on the bonnet, try looking in the interior and on the key sticking-indent button to turn on but no. To squeeze neat logo below, should grasp completely mechanical drag.

    This detail makes the car lose the subtlety necessary. In this paragraph Rolls-Royce do better, simply press the button, the woman flying "Spirit of ecstacy" slipped down for a moment, to feel the mysterious disappearance.

    Like many admiring eyes, I walk in to the car watching every detail. Body almost 6 meters long, green craft paint colors Pale Emerald exclusive restaurant personalize the vehicle owner, the rounded contours of the headlights, taillights, rear spoiler and mesh strange heat in delicate shape but to gain most for, like the philosophy of "simple is best".

    To take care of the simple lines of this extremely complex, for example, coats are hand-painted by artisans in the car, then just use the robot to ensure even thickness across the surface.

    It is unhappy that Mulsanne "likely to cause drowsiness". Photo: Luong Dung.

    Enjoy the exterior finished, I again ask for the driver, this time it seems more professional, as professional habits with other popular models.

    "You and the boss has no application in the What is not?"

    Seeing he stopped a few seconds of thought, I waited.

    "I do not, but the boss does. He says the car or faulty gas pedals and easy sleepy."

    Ease sleepy, I knew that the backseat is too quiet and relaxing systems, high-end car entertainment, but the accelerator pedal, the stupid people, maybe not super into 25 billion to such basic errors.

    I seem to see the wonder frowned as he laughed and explained, on highway 120 km / h but the boss saw slow asked "how much running, so as 60 km / h so?" .

    Only when the eyes look speedometer, he was believed to be high speed, just in the car quieter too, do not feel like you're running fast, so shall immediately to the crime "Sure accelerator pedal".

    My suspicion is exaggerating other words, also eagerly awaiting the feeling is once made ​​the boss look like. Unlike usual test drive behind the wheel, this time I chose backbenchers.

     Open, bright windowsill words "Commissioned for Thanh Long" (Item plots for Thanh Long) laser engraving reminds me, that sitting by the car, thinking that ripple sad fleeting.

    I chose the rear seat side chair, which is also the seat that Bentley designed specifically for the car owner. Identification to the podium between the seat controls.

    Apart from regulating rocker, massage, with additional keys of the front seats. Boss sitting here, if caught, will be actively pushing the front seat occupants to police. Boss that, do not want to be.

    Slim design chair backs, inclinations and modern sports, as opposed to the type of flat rolled back chair classic Rolls-Royce Phantom. Features young people, would like the seat Mulsanne liberal sense of security because people down, while the Phantom chair for younger boss, like the back cover as the beds.

    Soft smooth softness degree, no difference, because both companies are using leather in the back and legs of bulls are raised in the mountains, cool areas of the body to ensure no insect bites, impact surface skin. To cover all the details finished furniture like chairs, side door, cupped hands, the skin needs to 17th.

    With nearly 3.3 m wheelbase, never I saw the back seat and table tap-car lots this far, space cabin like to play with. Pull off the glass, closed slowly to a threshold, automatic door tightly inhalation. With handles and buttons pull the curtain after curtain sides watertight doors, a luxurious bedroom out.

    Hold your breath, silent space, almost completely isolated with the outside world. To test, try calling people standing outside, no one listened, unresponsive even though only a few meters.

    Its employees rider, car slowly sauntered down the street. Shades secret that people sitting in the cabin does not see things outside the window moves, just close your eyes slightly will hardly knew, the car was running or not.

    With hand massage button, each airflow created fake fist running along the spine, can choose different light intensity. Seat belts, select a melodious music of Bang Kieu, sound emitted from the speaker system in the Naim 14 quiet space as theater.

    Fully awake but only after about 10 minutes start to feel cool again, he did not want to do, looking to the side, he was snoring drivers are sitting together at what moment.

    Asleep for a while, when awake see what the car owner complained "easy sleepy" is understandable. Interior doors can personalize with lids carved ashtray shiny Bentley logo, but I do not smoke so this feature just to watch.

    Make sure the boss like that is enough, I changed up driving. Adjust the seat, steering wheel, preparing my ground noble horse reins. Grade wood wrapped steering wheel for another feeling the leather steering wheel before, cool and clung surprise.

    The walnut wood still patchy but steadily shiny, smooth wood in the interior than the other automakers. Only polished wooden stages also take up to 2 weeks and made entirely by hand.

    Leads have not hesitated to switch to the D to roll though basic things like mirrors, chairs were set up. Not because of my concerns, but simply need to get the spirit, rider vehicle 25 billion even a small misstep, and pay dearly.

    But Bentley created for chauffeur car worldwide are assured of driving. After only a few steering movements when the car was rolled down the road, all that fear before fading away.

    V cell-like tomb gently with Porsche but not light enough to swing by a finger. Bentley and the British style, nobility and certainly, the driver will not have the opportunity that neglect.

    Mulsanne reflectors rolled like a fly. Super-luxury sedan that weighs 3.2 tons towering forward, not a slight budge when passing ripple road. Mirrors, wide-angle, about observing the finest front steering drive SUV because high seat position, the farthest point clear of the car, unlike ordinary sedan.

    Worries root causes lack of car scratches disappear immediately pull over uncertain. The vision of the human eye, but spacious and stable as observed through a camera fixed on the hood.

    Supplying power to the ground is special capacity V8 6.75 liter twin-turbo, 530 horsepower capacity (little more than the standard 25 hp) at 4,200 rpm rev / min, torque very tightly 1,100 Nm at 1,750 rev / min. 8-level automatic transmission combines sporty rear-drive system.

    Car accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in 4.9 seconds and reaches a top speed of 305 km / h.

    These numbers show the strength markedly sporty inclinations of Mulsanne Speed ​​Phantom Series II compared. Phantom 6.75-liter V12 engine mounted but much lower power, capacity only 453 hp and 720 Nm of torque.

    Vù certain to station to see what people dubbed super-luxury sedan Mulsanne is the world's fastest. To the empty roads away from public roads, pressed the gas pedal all the way down, the car stopped and then fired immediately, in a few seconds up to a speed of 100 km / h but still gently with excess gas pedal long passage.

    Also the latency characteristics of the supercharged engine, but the "paused, then shot away" of different Mulsanne's Porsche 911 Turbo S that I previously took a week to drive in HCMC.

    German sports car weighs 1.6 tons unmanned dizziness caused her face, stomach as messy as workers go rounds, only after 3 seconds to touch 100 km / h.

    Super-luxury sedan, it weighs twice as fast as the car working away (100 km / h in 4.9 seconds), but the size and weight excess, new drivers could only "happy" but can not scared like sports cars. Mulsanne things that generate speed, the speed for the faint of heart. List of safety technologies listed as above the ordinary car, probably does not need to talk about.

    Towards the late afternoon sun is also time to say goodbye to the children both Bentley.

    Back in 2006 Mazda3 life, a loss and regret invaded the body. I flopped back down in the chair hit, did not bother to say anything. Find out the song Billionaire (Billionaire) by Bruno Mars, singer Hawaiians repeated , "I wanna be a billionaire" , yes, it is like that.

    But wait, tomorrow is Monday, still have to go to work.

    Duc Huy

    Bentley Mulsanne Speed ​​2016 - noble dream in Vietnam Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Phạm Hoàng Nam


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  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Facebook, and currently operates as its chairman and chief executive officer. His net worth is estimated to be US$71.8 billion as of July 2017, and he is ranked by Forbes as the fifth richest person in the world.

    Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February 4, 2004. He was assisted by his college roommates and fellow Harvard students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. The group then introduced Facebook to other college campuses. Facebook expanded rapidly, reaching one billion users by 2012. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg was involved in various legal disputes brought by others in the group, who claimed a share of the company based upon their involvement during the development phase of Facebook.

    In December 2012, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced that over the course of their lives they would give the majority of their wealth to "advancing human potential and promoting equality" in the spirit of The Giving Pledge. On December 1, 2015, they announced they would eventually give 99 percent of their Facebook shares (worth about US$45 billion at the time) to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

    Zuckerberg began using computers and writing software in middle school. His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired software developer David Newman to tutor him privately. Newman calls him a "prodigy", adding that it was "tough to stay ahead of him". Zuckerberg took a graduate course in the subject at Mercy College near his home while still in high school. He enjoyed developing computer programs, especially communication tools and games. In one program, since his father's dental practice was operated from their home, he built a software program he called "ZuckNet" that allowed all the computers between the house and dental office to communicate with each other. It is considered a "primitive" version of AOL's Instant Messenger, which came out the following year.

    According to writer Jose Antonio Vargas, "some kids played computer games. Mark created them." Zuckerberg himself recalls this period: "I had a bunch of friends who were artists. They'd come over, draw stuff, and I'd build a game out of it." However, notes Vargas, Zuckerberg was not a typical "geek-klutz", as he later became captain of his prep school fencing team and earned a classics diploma. Napster co-founder Sean Parker, a close friend, notes that Zuckerberg was "really into Greek odysseys and all that stuff", recalling how he once quoted lines from the Roman epic poem Aeneid, by Virgil, during a Facebook product conference.

    During Zuckerberg's high school years, he worked under the company name Intelligent Media Group to build a music player called the Synapse Media Player. The device used machine learning to learn the user's listening habits, which was posted to Slashdot and received a rating of 3 out of 5 from PC Magazine.

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